Hooo hoooo

Mom - She looks so cute! Is she Hooing a lot?

Meredith Wnek - She is so cute! Midge and Christina are geniuses at design and at the sewing machine!

auntie hannah - LOVE the costume! these pictures made my day! what a sweet little owl!

Meredith Wnek - Christina…we need more!!! <3 m bene

Daddy’s father’s day gift…

(made from 1453 still photographs)

auntie - this is absolutely wonderful. i love the song. it was nice talking last night.

Auntie Alex - This just put a HUGE smile on my face. How adorable!!!

Meredith Wnek - Oh Christina…this is wonderful and we can’t stop watching it! Our guests were over the top watching it with us. I am sure Drew must have loved it so much. You are so talented! m xx

Denny - I love it. She is so cute and full of fun. : )