Nearly 6 months!

Alex - ADORE the first one. Happy almost half birthday Amelia. I hate that I have only seen her a couple times. Something is not right with that.

Alex - ADORE the first one. Happy almost half birthday Amelia. I hate that I have only seen her a couple times. Something is not right with that.

Denny Denham - We love these shots. May we have a copy of the first one please?

Denny Denham - We love these shots. May we have a copy of the first one please?

Laughter is contagious!


Alex - This just made my day! Thank you for posting a video of her! Miss you….

Hannah - Watching this right before bed, I know I’m going to wake up super happy tomorrow morning with thoughts of giggly Amelia. I especially love at the end when you say “Why is that so funny?” Miss you both.

meredith Wnek - Okay…maybe I need a jumperoo at my house. Is it transportable?