
jill - o has never been able to look at a baby and see someone…he saw this picture of amelia and said…THAT’S ANDREW!!

so cute!

Alex - I have said the same thing about a few pics I have seen of her. It’s like he pops out at you!

Kari Herer - Yup, looks like Andrew in this picture!! Too cute!!

Our first day at home without daddy :( We miss you!

Alex - Little chubster!

Meredith Wnek - SOOOO beautiful! She takes my breath away. She looks so much like her Mommy & Daddy.

Dave Bolduc - Congratulations guys—-she’s beautiful!! Sorry we didn’t see you last week. Our card said the same thing to her ironically—Welcome to the world! Your lives will be changed, challenged and richer. Enjoy every minte.

Dave (for Melody too)